Hey again, Today i got one solution to add reorder button in Viruemart 3 with Joomla 3.x, I have seen many paid plugin and there is not free plugins to do this, Now im going to describe you step by step how to do so if you are developer then you will get idea and […]
PHP Login and registration code with demo using OOP
Hello Guys, Looking Standard Code with using Object Oriented Programing Language(OOP) ? OKAY let me describe you demo of login and registration with email verification code. Also i have used latest bootstrap 4. All project this is first stage to create a login and registration forms with email verification. Now a days you got many […]
ZOHO v2 api: Step by step guide with using PHP SDK
Last updated : 20- July 2020 01:21 AM ZOHO has updated all API and now we are not able to run or execute old API so we must need to redirect into Version 2. So I already done ZOHO V2 contact API upgrade task and know how to can setup and update existing or new […]
Hide/remove related videos from embed Youtube Video, play again from start after YouTube video finish/end
Before we are embedding youtube video easily with no relative video option but now that is not possible for us to d like that. now we need to find other why to hide relative video of youtube. Before September 2018, a user are able to disable related videos on YouTube embeds by simply adding ?rel=0 […]
Create responsive Youtube video using Divi theme/builder responsive video module
You are looking to youtube responsive video then you no need to worries if you are using Divi theme or Divi builder Just add below PHP script condition on located file and enjoy File Location : Divi\includes\builder\module\Video.php Line No: 172 Code : $video_src = ”; //Added By 9Code Start if(strpos(esc_url( $args[‘src’] ) , “youtube”)!==false){ $video_src […]
Joomla 3 template overriding of component and modules for custom layout design
Hi, are you Joomla junior web developer ! or learning Joomla 3, so first i say about what is Joomla: What is joomla ? Joomla is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) for publishing web content. It is built on a model–view–controller web application framework that can be used independently of the CMS. […]