Today every website provide live support or contact form link on home/landing page. I was created for you one drag-able and attractive animated contact form link as per user requirement thy can adjust position as per thy like on website screen. Users attract for contact for request or other aim of business. Stored position in client cookie […]
Simple Browser Push Notification Script
Today’s browsers give easy to set custom push notifications, it’s possible on latest browsers and got easy way to set you website or blog. Very few line of JavaScript code, that can help you to interact with browser notification system. Demo Click here to show push notification Below small code for execute push notification: <script language=”javascript”> showNotification(“Welcome […]
Simple twitter style responsive login template by p3guru
Today twitter got a fresh new look for its login page. It is simple and clean, It is more like facebook first page. This Page has login form at the top and new user registration form to the right, followed by twitters top user pics at bottom, which i think is random and dynamic. Over […]
increase website speed using .htaccess enable cache and gzip compression for Linux and windows server
You are website owner/developer and you need to increase website speed and less loading time, You junst need to add below .htaccess script : Linux Server——————————————- <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^ index.php [L] </IfModule> # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – […]
Amazon mega menu using css with code and demo
Hello friends, Now we go for some standard development of mega-menu using html and css . Everyone seen amazon website and you navigate on products/category using mega menu. Look like great and we feel amazon 🙂 Now i describe you to how can we build custom mega menu same as amazon mega menu and it’s simple and light […]
With responsive simple and interactive fancybox-qbox using jQuery and css
Here i developed simple lightweight qbox, They help you when we required instantly loaded and easy to customization same as fancybox, lightbox plugin. Now i say you to how to build custom lightbox and easy to use just need simple jQuery and css knowledge. Live Demo | Download Following step to you use and how to build […]